مزدك پيامبر دنياساز و مبلغ شادي

اثر: امير خنجي

Babak: Iranica Entry by G-H Yusufi

کيش مزدکي

احسان يارشاطر

The Cosmogonical and Cosmological teachings of Madak

Mansour Shaki (1985)

جنبشهاي ضد فئودالي ايرانيان در اوئل خلافت عباسي

استاد ديس - يوسف برم- مقنغ-حمزه آذرک-بابک-ماه يزد يار

اثر: امير حسين خنجي


قيام مقنع

جتبش روستايي سپيد جامگان

اثر: تورج تابان

جنش شعوبیه

اثر: سورنا گيلاني

بابک خرمدین دلاور آذربایجان

اثر: شادروان سعید نفیسی

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9 10 11 12

Babak: Encyclopedia Britannica

died 838

Iranian-Papak leader of the Iranian Khorram-dinan, a religious sect that arose following the execution of Abu Muslim, who had rebelled against the 'Abbasid caliphate. Denying that Abu Muslim was dead, the sect predicted that he would return to spread justice throughout the world. Babak led a new revolt against the 'Abbasids that was put down in 837.

بابك خرم‌دين و پان‌تركيسم

گرداننده آذرگشنسپ