سندهاي تازه، پيرامون دخالت آشكار اتحاد شوروي
در ايجاد فرقهي دموكرات در آذربايجان و جمهوري مهاباد
با وجودي كه هيچيك از پژوهشگران و تاريخنگاران، ترديد در دخالت اتحاد
شوروي در ايجاد فرقهي دموكرات در آذربايجان و جمهوري مهاباد نداشتند، انتشار سه
سند از آرشيو جمهوري آذربايجان در باكو، حقايق بيشتري را آشكار ميكند. سند شماره يك مربوط به اكتشافهاي خودسرانهي نفتي اتحاد شوروي در مناطق
شمالي ايران در سالهاي اشغال كشور در دوران جنگ جهاني دوم ميباشد. اين سند،
ايران آيندهي به نظر بينندگان و خوانندگان رسانيده خواهد شد. در اين اسناد، از استان آذربايجان، با نام تحريف شدهي «آذربايجان
جنوبي» يا «جنوب آذربايجان»، استفاده شده است. اسناد زير، مربوط به آرشيو دولتي جمهوري آذربايجان در باكو
دربارهي احزاب سياسي و جنبشهاي اجتماعي State
Archive of Political Parties and Social Movements of the Republic of
Azerbaijan in Baku دربارهي وقايع
آذربايجان ميباشد كه
ترجمه آن به انگليسي در نشريه موسسهي Woodrow Wilson Center زير عنوان Cold War International
History Project (CWIHP) در شماره 13/12 پاييز و زمستان 2001 (صفحه 309) به چاپ
رسيده است. مدارک بيشتري به دست آمده است که هنوز توسط جمهوري آذربايجان انتشار
نيافته است. به نظر مي رسد دليل عدم انتشار اين اسناد، بيش از هر
چيز سياسي باشد. اصل سندها به زبان روسي است كه از سوي اين نشريه، به انگليسي ترجمه شده
است. برگردان زير از متن انگليسي، به فارسي ميباشد. سند شماره 2 فرمان دفتر سياسي کميته مرکزي اتحاد جماهير شوروي به مير {جعفر} باقراف،
دبير کميتهي
مرکزي حزب کمونيست آذربايجان درباره: «اقدامات براي ايجاد جنبش تجزيه طلبي در آذربايجان
جنوبي و ديگر استان هاي شمالي ايران» 6 ژوئيه 1945 {16 امرداد 1324} بهکلي سري به رفيق باقراوف اقدامات براي ايجاد جنبش تجزيه طلبي در جنوب آذربايجان و
ديگر استان هاي شمالي ايران. 1ـ مناسب است که کارهاي مقدماتي براي ايجاد منطقهي خود
مختار ملي
آذربايجان [oblast] با اختيارات گسترده در داخل کشور ايران آغاز گردد. همزمان جنبش تجزيه طلبي جداگانه در استان هاي گيلان،
مازندران، گرگان و خراسان ايجاد گردد. 2ـ در جنوب آذربايجان حزب سياسي دموکرات بنام «فرقه دموکرات
با هدف راهنمايي جنبش تجزيه طلبي ايجاد گردد. ايجاد حزب دموکرات در آذربايجان
جنوبي، همزمان با باز
سازي تشکيلات شاخهي حزب توده ايران و ادغام آن و
تمامي هواداران جنبش تجزيه طلبي از هرگروه [در فرقه دموکرات] انجام شود. 3ـ در ميان کردهاي شمال ايران، اقدامات مقتضي براي کشاندن
آنان به جنبش تجريه طلبي مجزا، براي ايجاد منطقهي خودمختار ملي کردستان
انجام گيرد. 4ـ در تبريز يک گروه از کارگران مسئول، براي
راهنمايي جنبش تجزيه طلبي ايجاد گردد و اقدامات آنان، با سرکنسول
اتحاد جماهير شوروي در تبريز، هم آهنگ بشود. نظارت کلي اين گروه، به باقراوف و يعقوباف سپرده
شود. 5ـ مسئوليت کارهاي مقدماتي انتخابات آذربايجان جنوبي براي
پانزدهمين دورهي قانونگزاري مجلس ايران به عهده کميته مرکزي حزب کمونيست
آذربايجان (باقراف و ابراهيماف) گذارده شود تا اطمينان به دست آيد که انتخابشوندگان از هواداران
جنبش تجزيهي
طلبي ... 6ـ دستجات رزمجوي هواداران شوروي و فعالان جنبش تجريهي
طلبي تشکيلات فرقه دموکرات که مسلح به سلاح هاي ساخت خارج باشند، با هدف دفاع از خود، ايجاد گردد. مسئوليت اين مهم به عهده رفيق [نيکلاي] بولگانين، همراه با
رفيق باقراوف گذارده شود. 7ـ انجمن روابط فرهنگي ايران و SSR {جمهوري سوسياليستي شوروي} آذربايجان
براي تقويت کارهاي فرهنگي و تبليغاتي در آذربايجان جنوبي، ايجاد گردد. 8ـ براي جلب توده ها به جنبش تجريه طلبي، لازم مي دانيم که «انجمن
دوستاران آذربايجان شوروي» در تبريز همراه با شعبات
در تمامي نواحي آذربايجان جنوبي و گيلان تشکيل شود. 9ـ كميتهي مرکزي حزب کمونيست آذربايجان، مامور است
که مجلهي
مصوري در باکو براي پخش در ايران و 3 روزنامه در آذربايجان جنوبي ايجاد کند. 10ـ چاپخانه دولتي (Yudin) سه ماشين چاپ را در اختيار کميتهي
مرکزي حزب
کمونيست آذربايجان قرار دهد تا براي ايجاد امکان چاپ (tipografskaya baza) براي فرقه دموکرات آذربايجان جنوبي، بکار گرفته شود. 11ـ مسئوليت تهيهي کاغذ خوب
براي چاپ مجلهي مصور در باکو و همچنين سه
روزنامه در آذربايجان جنوبي، به عهدهي Narkomvneshtorg
]کميسر خلق براي تجارت خارجي[ (رفيق ]آناستاس[
ميکويان) گذارده شود. جمع تيراژ کم تر از 30000 نسخه نباشد. 12ـ به NKD کميتهي دفاع دولتي آذربايجان، اجازه داده
شود که تحت نظارت رفيق باقراف اجازه رفت به ايران و بازگشت به افرادي که براي
ماموريت در اجراي اين موارد به ايران سفر مي کنند، صادر گردد. 13ـ براي تامين مخارج جنبش تجزيه طلبي در
آذربايجان جنوبي و انتخابات پانزدهمين دورهي قانون گذاري
مجلس، کميتهي
مرکزي حزب کمونيست آذربايجان، از صندوق ويژهي ارز خارجي، برابر با يک
ميليون روبل («براي تبديل به تومان») در نظر
گرفته شود. ششم ژوئيه 1945، دفتر سياسي کميته مرکزي ماخذ: GAPPOD Azr, f.1, op. 89, d.90,ll. سند شماره 3 دستورالعمل مخفي شوروي در مورد انجام ماموريت ويژه در
سراسر آذربايجان جنوبي و استان هاي شمالي ايران 14 ژوئيه 1945 {24 امرداد 1324} به کلي سري Iـ درباره
ايجاد فرقه دموکرات آذربايجان 1ـ فوري ترتيب مسافرت پيشهوري {رييس بعدي فرقهي
دموكرات} و کامبخش {از رهبران حزب توده} را به باکو، براي انجام
مذاکره بدهيد. بسته به نتيجهي مذاکره، انتقال پادكان {صادق پادگان} رياست کميتهي
ناحيه اي حزب
توده آذربايجان را در نظر داشته باشيد. 2ـ براي ايجاد کميته هاي تشکيلاتي در مرکز (تبريز) و مناطق
ديگر (na
mestakh) نامزدهاي مناسب
از ميان دموکرات هاي موجه از ميان روشنفکران، بازرگانان طبقهي
متوسط، خرده مالکان و روحانيون، از ميان احزاب مختلف دموکرات و همچنين از ميان
غير اعضا، انتخاب و آنان را در کميته هاي تشکيلاتي فرقهي دموکرات
آذربايجان، وارد کنند. بالاترين اولويت، در مورد
کميته تشکيلاتي تبريز است که وسيلهي نشريات دموکرات موجود مانند خاور نو،
آژير و جودت و
بقيه، تقاضاي ايجاد فرقه دموکرات آذربايجان را خواهند نمود. 3ـ با چاپ تقاضا، گروه موسس در ديگر مناطق، در نشريات، خواستار
حمايت از ايجاد کميته هاي فرقه دموکرات از ميان فعالان تشکيلات حزب
توده و ديگر تشکيلات دموکرات خواهند گرديد. اجازه ندهيد که اين امر، تنها محدود
به تغيير نام حزب توده به حزب دموکرات آذربايجان گردد. به کميته منطقه اي حزب
توده تبريز و تشکيلات ناحيه اي آن توصيه کنيد که تقاضاي فرقهي
دموکرات آذربايجان را مورد بررسي قرار داده و تصميم به
انحلال تشکيلات حزب توده نموده و اعضا را وارد فرقهي دموکرات آذربايجان
بنمايند. 3- پس
از ايجاد کميتهي تشکيلاتي فرقهي دموکرات آذربايجان در تبريز،
بالاترين اولويت، ايجاد کميته هاي تشکيلاتي فرقه دموکرات آذربايجان در
شهرهاي زير است: اردبيل، رضائيه، خوي، ميانه، زنجان، مراغه، مرند، ماکو، قزوين،
رشت، پهلوي، ساري، شاخ Shakh بندر شاه،
گرگان و مشهد. 4-
يک ارگان مطبوعاتي در کميتهي تشکيلاتي فرقهي
دموکرات آذربايجان در تبريز بنام «صداي (نداي ؟) آذربايجان» ايجاد شود. 5-
ترتيب تهيهي برنامه ها و منشور براي کميته تشکيلاتي تبريز تهيه شود. IIـ
اقدام لازم براي اطمينان از انتخاب نمايندگان براي دوره پانزدهم قانون گذاري 1ـ آغاز مذاکره با نمايندگان مجلس که از آنان در زمان
انتخابات براي اين دوره قانون گذاري حمايت مي کنند، با هدف
نامزدکردن اين نمايندگان براي دوره پانزدهم قانون گذاري با اين شرط که آنان در
راه عملي کردن شعارهاي فرقه دموکرات آذربايجان مبارزه نمايند. 2ـ کارهاي لازم براي انتخاب نامزد هاي نمايندگي مجلس از ميان
افراد دموکرات که آمادهي مبارزه در راه عملي کردن شعارهاي
فرقه دموکرات باشند، آغاز گردد. 3ـ مقايسهي سياههي نامزدهاي
نمايندگي که سفارت توصيه کرده است، با در نظر گرفتن دستورالعمل هاي جديد. 4ـ اقدامات در جهت شناندن نامزدهاي دست چين شده براي مجلس، در مطبوعات
آغاز و ترتيب تماس و ملاقات با موکلان داده شود. 5ـ از اجتماعات، دمونستراسيونها، اعتصابات و
انحلال انجمن هاي انتخاباتي که مناسب ما نيست با هدف تضمين منافع ما در
انتخابات، حمايت گردد. 6ـ در فرايند آمادگي براي انتخابات، در حوزه هاي شمالي
ايران، مصالحه [انجام گيرد] و افرادي که بهوسيلهي
نيروهاي ارتجاعي نامزد شده اند و عليه کانديداهاي جنبش دموکرات فعال هستند،
اخراج گردند. 7ـ خواستار تعويض رهبران سازمان هاي ناحيه اي با افکار ارتجاعي که مناسب
نيستند، شويد. IIIـ
تاسيس «انجمن
آذربايجان شوروي». 1ـ براي تاسيس «انجمن دوستداران آذربايجان شوروي» از افرادي
که در جشن هاي بيست و پنجمين سال آذربايجان شوروي شرکت کرده بودند، استفاده شود. 2ـ افرادي که در کنسولگري هاي ما کار مي کنند، نظامي ها و
[فعالان] حزبي، در ايجاد انجمن بکار گرفته شوند. 3ـ گروه تشکيلاتي «انجمن
دوستاران آذربايجان شوروي» در تبريز، منشور انجمن را تهيه نمايند. 4ـ براي جلب گستردهي مردم به «انجمن
دوستداران آذربايجان شوروي» از مطبوعات به طور سازمانيافته براي تشريح
دست آوردهاي اقتصادي، فرهنگي و هنري آذربايجان شوروي و دوستي تاريخي مردم
آذربايجان جنوبي با مردم آذربايجان شوروي، استفاده شود. IVـ
تشکيلات جنبش تجزيه طلبي 1- تشکيلات
براي جنبش تجزيه طلبي براي: منطقهي خود مختار
آذربايجان و منطقهي خودمختار کردستان با اختيارات گسترده،
ايجاد گردد. در استان هاي گرگان، گيلان، مازنداران و خراسان، تشکيلات
جنبش تجزيه طلبي بر مبناي مسايل منطقه اي، بنا شود به
ويژه در استان گيلان: تشکيلات خدمات اجتماعي و کارهاي عمومي در شهرهاي رشت و
پهلوي و تخصيص حداقل 50% از ماليات جمع آوري شده در استان، به اين منظور. در استان گرگان: آموزش زبان محلي ترکمن در مدارس. جايگزيني ژاندرمري و
شهرباني محلي با افراد ترکمن و تخصيص حداقل 50% ماليات جمع آوري شده دراستان به
تشکيلات خدمات اجتماعي و کارهاي عمومي و بهداشت در گنبد کاووس، گرگان و بندر شاه. در استان هاي مازندران و خراسان: . . . 1-
تخصيص حداقل 50% ماليات جمع آوري شده در استان براي خدمات عمومي در شهرهاي
ساري، {بندر} شاه، مشهد و
قوچان نو {؟} افزون برآن مطالب، ايجاد جنبش تجزيه طلبي جداگانه در اين
استان ها مطرح گردد... V – تشکيلات انجمن ها 1ـ پس از ايجاد کميته هاي تشکيلاتي فرقه دموکرات و همزمان
با عمليات انتخاب نمايندگان دوره پانزدهم مجلس، با استفاده از هيجانات انتخابات،
عمليات براي تشکيل انجمن ها آغاز گردد. VI – تشکيلات مطبوعاتي 1-
براي عمليات آشوب گرانه مطبوعاتي، يک چاپخانه براي انتشار مجله هاي جديد، افزون برآن
که وجود دارند، در شهرهاي رشت، رضائيه و مهاباد تاسيس گردد. 2- امضا:
ناخوانا 3- ماخذ:
f.1, op.89,d.90,ll.9-15) COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL HISTORY PROJECT BULLETIN, ISSUE 12/13 309 New Evidence on the Iran Crisis 1945-46 From the Baku Archives [The
following documents were provided to CWIHP by Dr. Jamil Hasanli (Baku
State University). Hasanli,who has conducted extensive research on Soviet
policies with regard to Iranian Azerbaijan in the early Cold War, obtained
these documents from the State Archive of Political Parties and Social
Movements of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Baku. Only a sample of a much
larger collection to be published in future issues of the CWIHP Bulletin and
CWIHP Working Papers, these documents allow unprecedented insight into
Stalin’s systematic efforts to sponsor a separatist movement in Northern
Iran. Some of the documents have also been consulted by Dr. Fernande Scheid
(Yale University), who presented her findings for the first time at the
September 1999 CWIHP Conference on “Stalin and the Cold War” at Yale
University and who is the author of a forthcoming CWIHP Working Paper.
Previous CWIHP publications on the subject, based on Russian archival
materials, include Natalia Egorova, The ‘Iran Crisis’ of 1945-1946: A
View from the Russian Archives (CWIHP Working Paper No. 15, Washington
D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center, 1997). Hasanli contributed the documents in the framework of a
new initiative on “The Caucasus in the Cold War,” co-sponsored by the
National Security Archive and CWIHP. The initiative aims at unearthing new
evidence from archives in the Southern Caucasus on important Cold War issues,
such as Stalin’s plans for territorial expansion in 1945-46 with regard to
Turkey and Iran; … DOCUMENT No. 1 Decree of the [USSR] State Defense Committee No. 9168 SS,
Regarding Geological Prospecting Work for Oil in Northern Iran, 21 June 1945 COPY TOP SECRET The State Defense Committee Decree of the GOKO [State
Defense Committee] No. 9168SS of 21 June
1945 Moscow, the Kremlin Geological Prospecting Work for Oil in Northern Iran With
the objective of geological prospecting and drilling work for oil in northern
Iran, the State Defense Committee DECREES: 1. Organize
within the “Azneft’” [Azerbaijani Oil] Association of the Narkomneft’ [the
People’s commissariat for Oil] a Hydrogeological Directorate and entrust to
this organization the supervision of geological prospecting for oil deposits
in northern Iran. 2. To
conduct this prospecting work in northern Iran hold Narkomneft’ (Cde.
Baybakov) and Azneft’ (Cde. Vezirov) responsible for supplying the necessary quantity
of workers from the oil industry for drilling and prospecting teams and
sending them to the place of work in the form of a hydrogeological
detachment created in the staff of
the Soviet troops in Iran (Qazvin). 3. Establish
a mission for the hydrogeological detachment to conduct the following work in
northern Iran: a) Drilling 10 pumps in
7 areas, including 3 stationary pumps (deep rotary drilling) in the areas of
Shakhi, Bandar-hah, and Mianeh; 4 stationary pumps (deep structural search
drilling) in the areas of Shah, Bolgar-Chay, and Khoy; 3 mobile drilling
units for structural search drilling in the areas of Bandar-Shah,
Shaha-Babol’ser, and Pahlavi; b) Geological Survey – one expedition comprising 10 teams
in the areas of: the Gorgan Steppe, Ashraf-Shaha- Amol’, Khorramabad, Bolgar-Chai,
Jul’fa-Zanjan, Tabriz- Ardebil’, and Ku-I-Gitcha-Siyakh-Ku; c) Geological Prospecting – one expedition of 3 teams
(gravimetric “Issing”, variometric and resistivity prospecting) in the areas:
Gorgan Steppe, Mazanderan and Rasht lowlands, and along entire southern shore
of the Caspian Sea from the border with the Turkmen SSR to the border with
the Azerbaijan SSR. Hold the Narkomneft’ (Cde. Baybakov) and Azneft’ (Cde.
Vezirov) responsible for transferring the equired drilling and prospecting equipment by 1 September 1945 to
conduct the work to the required degree and [for] beginning drilling and
prospecting work in September of 1945. 4. Hold the
Narkomneft’ (Cde. Baybakov) responsible for organizing and dispatching by 1
August 1945: a geological survey expedition of 10 teams; a well-logging and
electrometer team; a geophysical expedition of 3 teams (gravimetric “Issing”,
variometric ((2 instruments)) and resistivity prospecting) by removing these teams from the following regions:
the gravimetric “Issing” [team] from Baku; the variometric [team] (2
instruments) from the Middle Volga Branch of the Narkomneft’ Geophysical
Trust; the resistivity [team] from the area of Krasnodar. 5. With the
objective of equipping the hydrogeological detachment with the necessary
equipment, instruments, and material
hold [the following] responsible: a) the Narkomneft’ (Cde. Baybakov) is to allocate and
ship to the Hydrogeological Directorate in August 1945: 5 sets of pumps,
drilling equipment, and a rotary drilling instrument; 4 sets of ZV-750
frames, rilling equipment, and the instrument for them; 3 sets of rods (1200
meters) and an instrument for KA-300 pumps, and other necessary equipment and
materials for the work of the hydrogeological detachment; b) the Narkomvneshtorg [People’s Commissariat for Foreign
Trade] (Cde. Mikoyan) is to allocate to the hydrogeological detachment in June-July 1945 15
trucktractors and 120 trucks from imports from the unassembled ones in Iran; c) the Commanding General of the Transcaucasus Front,
Cde. Tyulenev, is to allocate to the ydrogeological detachment the necessary
office space and living quarters in Qazvin and at work locations, and also
render aid with personnel from military units in assembling the 120 vehicles
allocated to the hydrogeological detachment; d) the USSR NKO [People’s Commissariat of Defense] (Cde.
Vorob’yev [Marshal of Engineer Troops, M.P., Chief of Engineer Troops of the
Soviet Army]) is, by 1 August 1945, to transfer to the disposition of the
hydrogeological detachment in Iran two complete AVB-2-100 mobile drilling
units in working order: a drilling machine AVB-2-100, a ZIS- 5 water tanker,
a 1.5 ton vehicle with an instrument and one UA-125 frame with three drilling
teams; e) the USSR NKO ( [General of the Army, Chief of the Rear
of the Soviet Army] Cde. Khrulev) is to send to the hydrogeological
detachment in working order 5 MAK 12- ton vehicles, 7 logging truck trailers,
and 15 Willys vehicles, and also provide for the repair of drilling equipment
and automotive transport in repair shops of the Soviet transport directorate
in Iran. 6. Hold the
Commanding General of the Transcaucasus Front, Cde. Tyulenev, responsible for
rendering aid to the hydrogeological detachment in drilling and geological
prospecting work [by] providing a guard orce, and escort for the expeditions,
providing cartographic materials, and also providing personnel of the
Hydrogeological detachment with clothing and appropriate documents. 7. Hold the
Narkomfin [People’s Commissariat of Finance] (Cde. Zverev) responsible in the
3rd and 4th quarters of 1945 with
allocating to the Narkomneft’ 8 million rubles, including 2,400,000 in rials
for the Hydrogeological Directorate of the Azneft’ Association to obtain
transport equipment and materials and for the maintenance of personnel. 8. Permit
the NKVD of the Azerbaijan SSR to issue permission for entry into Iran of
personnel sent by the Narkomneft’ and the Azneft’ Association for the business
of the Hydrogeological Directorate. 9. Confirm
as Chief of the Hydrogeological Directorate Cde. Melik-Pashayev, V. S.; Chief
of the Hydrogeological Directorate in the staff of the Soviet troops in Iran;
Cde. Geydarov, N. G.; and as Deputy Chief of the Hydrogeological Directorate
Cde. Kornev, A. N. 10. Hold
Narkomneft’ (Cde. Baybakov) and the Azneft Association (Cde. Vezirov)
responsible for personally exercising control over the supply of the
hydrogeological detachment with personnel, engineering and technical workers,
and provisioning with equipment and materials to carry out drilling and
geological prospecting work in northern Iran. 11. Hold the
Secretary of the CP(b) CC of Azerbaijan, Cde. Bagirov, responsible for
rendering the Hydrogeological Directorate of the Azneft’ Association
all possible aid and observing the geological prospecting work for oil in
northern Iran. Chairman of the State Defense Committee I. Stalin Attested: [not signed] [Source:
State Archive of Political Parties and Social Movements of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, Baku (GAPPOD AzR), f.1, op. 89. d.104. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli.
Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.] DOCUMENT No. 2 Decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee (CC) of
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) to Mir Bagirov, CC Secretary
of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, on “Measures to Organize a
Separatist Movement in Southern Azerbaijan and Other Provinces of Northern
Iran,” 6 July 19451
TOP SECRET To Cde. Bagirov Measures to Organize a Separatist Movement in Southern
Azerbaijan and Other Provinces in Northern Iran 1. Consider
it advisable to begin preparatory work to form a national autonomous
Azerbaijan district [oblast’] with broad powers within the Iranian
state. At the same time develop a separatist movement in the provinces of Gilyan, Mazandaran, Gorgan, and Khorasan. 2. Establish
a democratic party in Southern Azerbaijan under the name “Azerbaijan
Democratic Party” with the objective of guiding the separatist movement. The
creation of the Democratic Party in Southern Azerbaijan is to be done by a
corresponding reorganization of the Azerbaijani branch of the People’s Party
of Iran and drawing into it supporters of the separatist movement from all
strata of the population. 3. Conduct
suitable work among the Kurds of northern Iran to draw them into the
separatist movement to form a national autonomous Kurdish district. 4. Establish
in Tabriz a group of responsible workers to guide the separatist movement,
charging them with coordinating [kontaktirovat’] their work with the
USSR General Consulate in Tabriz. Overall supervision of this group is
entrusted to Bagirov and Yakubov. 5. Entrust
the Azerbaijan CP(b) CC (Bagirov and Ibragimov) with developing preparatory
work to hold elections in Southern Azerbaijan to the 15th Convocation
of the Iranian Majlis, ensuring the election of deputies who are supporters
of the separatist movement on the basis of the following slogans: a) Allotment of land to the peasants from state and large
landowning holdings and awarding long-term monetary credit to the peasants; b) Elimination of unemployment by the restoration and
expansion of work at enterprises and also by developing road construction and
other public works; c) Improvement of the organization of public amenities of
cities and the public water supply; d) Improvement in public health; e) Use of no less than 50% of state taxes for local needs; f) Equal rights for national minorities and tribes:
opening schools and publication of newspapers and books in the Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Armenian, and Assyrian
languages; court proceedings and official communications in local
institutions in their native language; creating a provincial administration,
including the gendarmerie and police, from local national elements; formation
of regional, district, and city enjumens [and] local self-governing
bodies. g) Radical improvement in Soviet-Iranian relations. 6. Combat
groups armed with weapons of foreign manufacture are to be created with the
objective of selfdefense for pro-Soviet people [and] activists of the
separatist movement of democratic and Party organizations. Entrust Cde.
[Nicolai] Bulganin together with Cde. Bagirov with carrying out this point. 7. Organize
a Society for Cultural Relations Between Iran and the Azerbaijani SSR to
strengthen cultural and propaganda work in Southern Azerbaijan. 8. To draw
the broad masses into the separatist movement, [we] consider it necessary to
create a “Society of Friends of Soviet Azerbaijan” in Tabriz with branches
in all regions of Southern Azerbaijan and Gilyan. 9. Entrust
the CC CP(b) of Azerbaijan with organizing publication of an illustrated
magazine in Baku for distribution in Iran and also three new newspapers in
Southern Azerbaijan. 10. Commit
the OGIZ [State Publishing House](Yudin) to allocating three flat-bed
printing presses for the use of the CC CP(b) of Azerbaijan to create printing
resources [tipografskaya baza] for the Democratic Party of Southern
Azerbaijan. 11. Commit
the Narkomvneshtorg [People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade] (Cde. [Anastas]
Mikoyan) with providing good paper for the publication of the illustrated
magazine in Baku and also the three new daily newspapers in Southern
Azerbaijan; the total press run is to be no less than 30,000 copies. 12. Permit
the NKVD of the Azerbaijan SSR, under the observation of Cde. Bagirov, to
issue permission for departure to Iran and return from Iran of persons being
sent on business connected with putting these measures into effect. 13. To
finance the separatist movement in Southern Azerbaijan and also to hold
elections to the 15th Convocation of the Iranian Majlis; to create in the CC
CP(y) of Azerbaijan a special fund of one million foreign-currency rubles
(“for conversion into tumans”). 6 July 1945 CC VKP(b) Politburo [Source:
GAPPOD AzR, f. 1, op. 89, d. 90, ll. 4-5. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli.
Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.] DOCUMENT No. 3 Secret Soviet Instructions on Measures to Carry out
Special Assignments throughout
Southern Azerbaijan and the Northern Provinces of Iran, 14 July 1945 Strictly Secret Measures to carry out special assignments throughout
Southern Azerbaijan and the northern provinces of Iran I. The
Question of Creating the Azerbaijani Democratic Party
Immediately organize [the] transport of Pishevari and Kombakhsh to Baku for
talks. Depending on the results of the talks keep in mind [the] transport to Baku
of Padekan [sic! “Padegan” in other documents], the Chairman of the District
Committee of the People’s Party of Azerbaijan. 2. To create
organizing committees in the center (Tabriz) and elsewhere [na mestakh],
within a month select candidates from authoritative democratic elements from
the intelligentsia, middle-class merchants, small and average landowners, and
the clergy in various democratic parties, and also from non-party members and
bring them into the organizing committees of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party. The first priority is to create an organizing committee
in Tabriz which, via the existing democratic press Khavar Nou, Azhir,
Dzhodat and others, will publish an appeal to organize an Azerbaijani
Democratic Party and print leaflets. 3. With the
appearance of the appeal, initiative groups elsewhere will speak out in the
press in its support and create Azerbaijani Democratic Party committees from
the most active organizations of the People’s Party and other democratic
organizations and elements. Do not permit a mechanical renaming of
organizations of the People’s Party to committees of the Azerbaijani
Democratic Party. Recommend that the Tabriz district committee and its local
organizations of the People’s Party discuss the appeal of the Azerbaijani
Democratic Party, decide to disband the organizations of the People’s Party
and enter its members in the Azerbaijani Democratic Party. 4. After
establishing the organizing committee of the Azerbaijani Democratic Party in
Tabriz the first priority is to create local committees of the Azerbaijani
Democratic Party in the following cities: Ardebil’, Rezaye, Khoy, Mianeh,
Zanjan, Maraghe, Marand, Mahabad, Maku, Qazvin, Rasht, Pahlavi, Sari, Shakh,
Gorgan, and Mashhad. Send representatives of the central organizing committee
to organize the committees in these cities. Systematically place positive
responses and calls to join the Azerbaijani Democratic Party in the
democratic press. 5. Create a
press agency in the organizing committee of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party
in Tabriz under the name “Voice of Azerbaijan”. 6. Organize
the drafting of programs and a charter for the Tabriz organizing committee. II. Ensuring the Election of Deputies to the 15th Convocation of the Majlis 1. Begin
talks with deputies of the Majlis who are supporting them during the
elections to the Majlis for this convocation with the object of nominating
these deputies to the 15th Convocation under the condition that they fight
for the implementation of the slogans of the Azerbaijani Democratic Party. 2. Begin
work to nominate candidates for deputy to the Majlis from democratic elements
who would fight for the implementation of the slogans of the Azerbaijani
Democratic Party. 3. Review
the list of deputies recommended by the Embassy in light of [these] new
tasks. 4. Organize
a broad popularization of the selected candidates for election to the Majlis
in the press and their contacts [and] meetings with voters. 5. Support
meetings, demonstrations, strikes, and the disbanding [razgon] of
electoral commissions unsuitable for us with the objective of ensuring our
interests in the elections. 6. In the
process of preparing for the elections, compromise and expel from the
electoral districts of northern Iran candidates nominated by reactionary circles
[who are] actively operating against the candidates of the democratic
movement. 7. Demand
the replacement of unsuitable reactionaryminded leaders of local bodies [vlasti]. III.
Creation of the “Society of Friends of Soviet Azerbaijan”
1. In the
matter of organizing the “Society of Friends of Soviet Azerbaijan”, use the
delegates participating in the jubilee celebration of the 25th anniversary of
the Azerbaijan SSR. 2. Recruit
the workers of our consulates, military commandants, and their active [Party]
members into the organization of the Society. 3. The
organizing group of the “Society of Friends of Soviet Azerbaijan” in Tabriz
is to draw up the charter of the Society. 4. To widely
attract the population to the “Society of Friends of Soviet Azerbaijan”, use
the press to systematically illustrate the achievements of the economy,
culture, and art of Soviet Azerbaijan and the historical friendship of the
peoples of Southern Azerbaijan and the peoples of Soviet Azerbaijan. IV. The
Organization of the Separatist Movement
1. Organize
work to develop a separatist movement to create: an Azerbaijani Autonomous
District [and] a Kurdish Autonomous District with broad powers. In Gorgan,
Gilyan, Mazandaran, and Khorasan provinces organize the separatist movement along local [korennyye]
questions, in particular: in Gilyan Province: The organization of public services and amenities in the
cities of Rasht [and] Pahlavi, leaving no less than 50% of the tax proceeds
collected from the province for this purpose; in Gorgan Province: Study in the native Turkmen language in the schools;
replacement of the local organization, gendarmerie, and police with
Turkomans, leaving no less than 50% of the tax proceeds collected from the
province for public services, amenities, and health in Gonbad-e-Kavus,
Gorgan, and Bandar Shah. in Mazandaran and Khorasan Provinces: 1. Return of
land to small and average landowners taken by Reza Shah (amlyak lands). 2. Leaving
no less than 50% of tax proceeds collected from the province for public
services and amenities of the cities of Sari, Shah, Mashhad, and New Quchan.
Additionally, bring to light locally such questions so as to organize a
separatist movement in the above provinces. Raise the demand to conduct land
reform not only in Southern Azerbaijan but in [regions] regions of the
northern provinces of Iran. V.
Organization of Enjumens
1. After
creating the organizing committees of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party at the
same time as work is conducted to elect deputies to the 15th Convocation of
the Majlis, develop a campaign to organize njumens, using the electoral
enthusiasm of the population for this purpose. VI.
Organization of Press Organs
1. To
organize all the agitation work via the press, establish a publishing house
for new magazines in the cities of Rasht, Rezaye, and Mahabad in addition to the
existing newspapers. [illegible
signatures] 14.7.45 [Source:
GAPPOD AzR), f. 1, op. 89, d. 90, ll. 9-15. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli.
Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.] See also the top secret 11 June 1945 draft decree of the CC CPSU for “Measures to Organize a Separatist
Movement in Southern Azerbaijan and Other Provinces of Northern Iran.”
Handwritten across the upper left-hand corner: “One copy for Yemel’yanov.”
Distribution: 1-2 Cde. Molotov; 3-4 Cde. Bagirov;5- Cde. Kavtaradze. ————— |