ارمنستان در عصر هخامنشي

اثر: داريوش کياني

ارمنيان ايران

آندرانيك هويان

پيوندهاي ديرينه‌ي ايـران و ارمنستان

لئون ميناسيان

معرفي کتاب: زرتشتيگري در ارمنستان



J. R. Russell

Hurro-Urartian Borrowings in Old Armenian

by: I.M. Diakonoff (1985)

Some effects of the Hurro-Urartian People and Their Languages upon the Earliest Armenians

John. A. C. Greppin (1991)

Commented upon by: I. M. Diakonoff

The survival of Ancient Anatolian and Mesopotamian Vocabulary until the Present

John. A. C. Greppin

Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol 50., No. 3 (July., 1991)

On the Authenticity of Moses of Khoren's History

A. O. Sarkissian

JAOS, Vol. 60, No. 1 (1961)




Encyclopedia Indo-European

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مطبوعات وقت ايران و کشتار ارامنه

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